PUSHTI: March 2025, Agni Sara Continued

As we continue with Agni Sara into the March Pushti, I wanted to offer a few, quick thoughts. Please take a look and make sure to read February’s Pushti. As always, what is presented here is just a jumping off point for more exciting and invigorating exploration in the classes. I would love to hear your thoughts, insights, and/or experience.

  • Yoga is always an inside job. Independence, dependence inward. In addition to bringing your awareness to the content of our minds and practicing detachment, you’re bringing your awareness into the workings of your physicality - like a genius scientist. What is discovered is enlightening.

  • Some of you love your colonics! Agni Sara on its own is remarkable, but Ayurveda, the sister science to yoga, places a high value on abdominal awareness to bring the mind, body, and Soul into balance. Fasting, colonics, enemas, a plant-based diet are Ayurvedic practices that you may already have received great benefit from. Agni Sara compliments these practices to maintain an abdominal “clean engine”.

  • We sit for an average of 14 hours a day. All that time hunched over, our belly is all hanging out while digesting very often the most toxic unhealthy food, while very often piling on more food. Don’t you think it’s worth considering making an effort to allow for increased abdominal functionality and counter balance the momentum of the SAD (standard American diet)?

  • Preventative & Curative. According to the AGA (American Gastroenterological Association) 40% of Americans’ daily lives are disrupted by digestive troubles. That’s big money for big pharma. When we get know our guts, we bring more wisdom and knowhow to the table if we encounter issues. And how satisfying to not depend on another drug, the money it costs, and the toxic side effects. Wisdom should always be our first physician.

  • As our asana practice brings increased insights to our balance, speed, and agility, empowering us with over all ability and mobility - and a deep connection with the Earth - Agni Sara assists us in becoming intimate with the subtleties of our gut and its workings - empowering us with our relationship to food, hunger / satiation, and the esoteric workings of prana.

  • We’re hungry for Source. We are literally hugging our stomachs and hearts (and vital abdominal organs). It’s all about the love, people. We may eat just to feel full or quench an indescribable discomfort, when really what we’re longing to feel is the fullness of our Being.

    In Yoga we dwell,

    March 2025


PUSHTI: February 2025, A Quest For Fire