PUSHTI: January 2024, START AGAIN.

Yoga Sutra 1.1 atha yogAnushAsanam
Yoga is now. Now is Yoga. Allow into Now. That is the only instruction.

I have taken the liberty to offer a more poetic translation for this sutra from Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra (Book One, Sutra 23), whereas Ishwara is usually referred to as God (or original teacher), and we know the truth of ourselves as That from being the result of holding Ishwara as the recipient of our unwavering attention and affection. In other words, Ishwara lives in the spiritual heart. It’s an inside job. If we were to simplify yoga practice into one singular practice, it would be: listen to your heart.

Sadhana (spiritual practice) is to remember to listen to the heart.
A Satsang (uncommon company) is where people are doing it.
A Sadhaka is the love warrior (spiritual aspirant) who walks the path.
Suffering reminds us we are disconnected from it.

After you Start Again (ad infinitum January’s Pushti) – the path becomes one with heart. That makes my heart beat, as I write this.

Excerpt from A Path with Heart, Jack Kornfield
“It is possible to speak with our heart directly. Most ancient cultures know this. We can actually converse with our heart as if it was a good friend. In modern life we have become so busy with our daily affairs and thoughts that we have forgotten this essential art of taking time to converse with our heart. When we ask it about our current path, we must look at the values we have chosen to live by. Where do we put our time, our strength, our creativity, our love? We must look at our life without sentimentality, exaggeration, or idealism. Does what we are choosing reflect what we most deeply value?”

Heart, what should I do here? What am I missing? Can you help me? Where is your rhythm? Can you help me find it?

“Wind was blowing time stood still. Eagle flew out of the night.
He was something to observe. Came in close, I heard a voice.
Standing, stretching every nerve. Had to listen, had no choice.
I did not believe the information. Just had to trust imagination.
My heart going boom, boom, boom,
‘Son,’ he said, ‘grab your things, I’ve come to take you home.’” – from “Solsbury Hill,” Peter Gabriel

Vishnu Granthi is the energetic wall between our ego center (manipura chakra) – where the predominating reality is disconnection & attachment to and preservation of our individual self – and our heart center (anahata chakra) – where we merge with compassion, “the quivering of a pure heart” (Jack Kornfield). Sadhana is the tearing down of this wall and subsequent joy.

Just a few heart practices this month to listen to our heart and increase our compassion:
Uddiyana Bandha – “flying up” lock to pierce the wall between ego and heart.
Loving Kindness – a plant-based diet that reflects a deep desire for happiness & freedom for all beings.
Forgiveness – a fearless inventory of our blame & resentment, and willingness to let it go.
Back Bending – creating warrior strength and flexibility, literally opening our hearts through spinal extension.

In Yoga we dwell,
January 2024


PUSHTI: February 2024, My Heart Goin’ BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!